
christmas trees

I can't believe it's december! Have you put up your tree yet? I haven't, and I know I'll have to do it soon or I'll be scrambling to have it done before Christmas! Fortunately, I love having a Christmas tree and other decorations that I don't really mind putting them up. Taking them down, now that's a different story!

We have an artificial tree and I'll be decorating it with red and gold. Typical, I know. But since we bought it just last year, I know I'll be seeing it for many more Christmases to come. Too bad though, because I found some really interesting alternatives...

origami Christmas tree ornaments from Paperoni Press, Etsy
The ornaments are the ones for sale, but the metal tree they're hanging from is actually really cool, too!

Has wooden slats that fan out to form the tree. Easy to assemble and will store compact. 

superstar holiday tree, modernica
 A bit more ornate. And at the same time, not. 

(scanned from my domino mag)
Here's a simple way to have a tree without sacrificing space (or money--if you're budget is tight).


  1. believe it or not, i actually like the one from domino mag the most. :-) evidently, i actually like the simple things! hahaha.

    PS. put up your tree na! :-)

  2. i know what you mean. that one's also my favorite among the four :)


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